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Hi Leaguers!

Welcome to your 2024 League benefits program!

Our mission is to empower you to live a healthier, happier life. At League, we understand that one size never fits all. That’s why we offer personalized benefits for maximum flexibility. We have three separate medical coverage plans to best meet the individual needs of you and your family. As a Leaguer, you will also have access to multiple spending accounts in addition to your core benefits that you can use to maximize owning your health. We want to be able to support the needs of every Leaguer (that’s you!) and your loved ones. Let’s get you set up!


League has everything you need to understand your health benefits. You’ll be able to see your coverage easily, find health resources, take advantage of exclusive member offers, get personalized support, create healthy habits and have access to awesome perks to enhance your League experience! Remember, as a League member (and employee!), you’ll get access to the following:

  • league digital wallet mockup

    Digital Wallet

    All your benefits coverage and information about your perks, all in one place.

  • icon of phone with a heart Health Profile & Programs

    Based on your health profile, receive recommended programs with daily tasks that inspire healthy choices.

  • Care Team

    Chat live with a health professional to get speedy help with any health concerns, such as a sudden rash or finding a provider near you.

  • device with League lifemarket screen

    icon for League Lifemarket Lifemarket

    A curated marketplace with exclusive offers and discounts on products and services that support your wellbeing.

illustration of nurse standing by patient with phone device on the side

Let’s take a look at your plan options.

At League, we’re lucky to have multiple generations within the workforce with a diverse set of needs and preferences. We all interact with our benefits in a different way. We have three separate medical and coverage plans to let you pick the coverage plan that best supports you (and your loved ones).

In-Network Plan Options


HSA Medical Plan

The Flexible HSA Plan offers a Health Savings Account (your account with triple tax advantage!) with the highest deductible level to meet before the plan begins to pay for covered medical services and prescription drugs.

No premium payroll deductions!


HRA Medical Plan

The Balanced HRA Plan offers a Health Reimbursement Account (Employer owned pre-tax account) with a moderate deductible level to meet before the plan begins to pay for covered medical services.

No premium payroll deductions!


PPO Medical Plan

The Enhanced PPO Plan offers a copay-driven plan option and has the highest premium payroll deductions with the lowest deductible level out of the three medical plan offerings.

This is a buy-up plan offering for employees who prefer the copay structure with moderate health needs.

Medical – Member Pays (unless noted otherwise)
In-Network Benefits
In-Network Benefits
In-Network Benefits
Deductible – accumulates based on calendar year
$2,800 single
$5,600 family
No more than $3,000 per individual within a family
$1,500 single
$3,000 family
No more than $1,500 per individual within a family
$750 single
$1,500 family
No more than $750 per individual within a family
Out of Pocket Maximum – accumulates based on calendar year
$4,000 single
$8,000 family
No more than $4,000 per individual within a family
$4,000 single
$8,000 family
No more than $4,000 per individual within a family
$4,000 single
$8,000 family
No more than $4,000 per individual within a family
Preventive Care
100% Covered by Plan
Deductible does not apply
100% Covered by Plan
Deductible does not apply
100% Covered by Plan
Deductible does not apply
Physician Office Visits – Primary Care, Specialist, Mental Health & Behavioral Health
100% Covered by Plan after deductible
100% Covered by Plan after deductible
$0 Copay
100% Covered by Plan
Deductible does not apply
10% after deductible
20% after deductible
20% after deductible
10% after deductible
20% after deductible
20% after deductible
Emergency Room
10% after deductible
20% after deductible
Deductible applies, then $300 Copay, then 20% Coinsurance
Urgent Care
10% after deductible
20% after deductible
$100 Copay
Deductible does not apply
Prescription Drugs Retail – 30 day supply
Retail Prescription Drugs*
Medical Deductible applies, then:
$10 generic
$35 preferred brand
$75 non-preferred brand
$150 speciality

*Note: Mail-order (90 day supply) is twice the Retail amount for generic, preferred brand, and non-preferred brand. Specialty drugs are 30 day supply only.
Retail Prescription Drugs*
Medical Deductible does not apply, then:
$10 generic
$35 preferred brand
$75 non-preferred brand
$150 speciality

*Note: Mail-order (90 day supply) is twice the Retail amount for generic, preferred brand, and non-preferred brand. Specialty drugs are 30 day supply only.
Retail Prescription Drugs*
Medical Deductible does not apply, then:
$10 generic
$35 preferred brand
$75 non-preferred brand
$150 speciality

*Note: Mail-order (90 day supply) is twice the Retail amount for generic, preferred brand, and non-preferred brand. Specialty drugs are 30 day supply only.
Spending Accounts Employer Contribution – Annual, Allocated Quarterly
Health Savings Account (HSA)
$1,000 single,
$2,500 family

Prorated for new hires based on quarter of Leaguer’s hire date.
Health Savings Account (HSA)
$1,000 single,
$2,500 family

Prorated for new hires based on quarter of Leaguer’s hire date.
No Spending Account
Spending Accounts: Employee Contributions
Health Savings Account (HSA) Maximum annual contribution from League + EE combined: $3,850 single $7,750 family (plus $1,000 if age 55+)
Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account (LPFSA) Maximum Annual Contribution of $3,050
Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account (LPFSA) Maximum annual contribution: $3,050
Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Maximum Annual Contribution: $3,050
Your Monthly Premium Contribution
Monthly Payroll Deductions:
EE only: $105.99
EE + Spouse: $211.98
EE + Child(ren): $196.08
EE + Family: $302.07
This summary of benefits is a brief outline of coverage, designed to help you with the selection process.
For more details, important limitations and exclusions, please review the formal plan documents.


HSA Medical Plan

The Flexible HSA Plan offers a Health Savings Account (your account with triple tax advantage!) with the highest deductible level to meet before the plan begins to pay for covered medical services and prescription drugs.

No premium payroll deductions!

  • Medical – Member Pays (unless noted otherwise) In-Network Benefits
  • Deductible – accumulates based on calendar year $2,800 single
    $5,600 family
    No more than $3,000 per individual within a family
  • Out of Pocket Maximum – accumulates based on calendar year $4,000 single
    $8,000 family
    No more than $4,000 per individual within a family
  • Preventive Care 100% Covered by Plan
    Deductible does not apply
  • Physician Office Visits – Primary Care, Specialist, Mental Health & Behavioral Health 100% Covered by Plan after deductible
  • Coinsurance 10% after deductible
  • Hospital 10% after deductible
  • Emergency Room 10% after deductible
  • Urgent Care 10% after deductible
  • Prescription Drugs Retail – 30 day supply Retail Prescription Drugs*
    Medical Deductible applies, then:
    $10 generic
    $35 preferred brand
    $75 non-preferred brand
    $150 speciality

    *Note: Mail-order (90 day supply) is twice the Retail amount for generic, preferred brand, and non-preferred brand. Specialty drugs are 30 day supply only.
  • Spending Accounts Employer Contribution – Annual, Allocated Quarterly Health Savings Account (HSA)
    $1,000 single,
    $2,500 family

    Prorated for new hires based on quarter of Leaguer’s hire date.
  • Spending Accounts: Employee Contributions Health Savings Account (HSA) Maximum annual contribution from League + EE combined: $3,850 single $7,750 family (plus $1,000 if age 55+)
    Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account (LPFSA) Maximum Annual Contribution of $3,050
  • Your Monthly Premium Contribution $0
  • Note This summary of benefits is a brief outline of coverage, designed to help you with the selection process.
    For more details, important limitations and exclusions, please review the formal plan documents.


HRA Medical Plan

The Balanced HRA Plan offers a Health Reimbursement Account (Employer owned pre-tax account) with a moderate deductible level to meet before the plan begins to pay for covered medical services.

No premium payroll deductions!

  • Medical – Member Pays (unless noted otherwise) In-Network Benefits
  • Deductible – accumulates based on calendar year $1,500 single
    $3,000 family
    No more than $1,500 per individual within a family
  • Out of Pocket Maximum – accumulates based on calendar year $4,000 single
    $8,000 family
    No more than $4,000 per individual within a family
  • Preventive Care 100% Covered by Plan
    Deductible does not apply
  • Physician Office Visits – Primary Care, Specialist, Mental Health & Behavioral Health 100% Covered by Plan after deductible
  • Coinsurance 20% after deductible
  • Hospital 20% after deductible
  • Emergency Room 20% after deductible
  • Urgent Care 20% after deductible
  • Prescription Drugs Retail – 30 day supply Retail Prescription Drugs*
    Medical Deductible does not apply, then:
    $10 generic
    $35 preferred brand
    $75 non-preferred brand
    $150 speciality

    *Note: Mail-order (90 day supply) is twice the Retail amount for generic, preferred brand, and non-preferred brand. Specialty drugs are 30 day supply only.
  • Spending Accounts Employer Contribution – Annual, Allocated Quarterly Health Savings Account (HSA)
    $1,000 single,
    $2,500 family

    Prorated for new hires based on quarter of Leaguer’s hire date.
  • Spending Accounts: Employee Contributions Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account (LPFSA) Maximum annual contribution: $3,050
  • Your Monthly Premium Contribution $0


PPO Medical Plan

The Enhanced PPO Plan offers a copay-driven plan option and has the highest premium payroll deductions with the lowest deductible level out of the three medical plan offerings.

This is a buy-up plan offering for employees who prefer the copay structure with moderate health needs.

  • Medical – Member Pays (unless noted otherwise) In-Network Benefits
  • Deductible – accumulates based on calendar year $750 single
    $1,500 family
    No more than $750 per individual within a family
  • Out of Pocket Maximum – accumulates based on calendar year $4,000 single
    $8,000 family
    No more than $4,000 per individual within a family
  • Preventive Care 100% Covered by Plan
    Deductible does not apply
  • Physician Office Visits – Primary Care, Specialist, Mental Health & Behavioral Health $0 Copay
    100% Covered by Plan
    Deductible does not apply
  • Coinsurance 20% after deductible
  • Hospital 20% after deductible
  • Emergency Room Deductible applies, then $300 Copay, then 20% Coinsurance
  • Urgent Care $100 Copay
    Deductible does not apply
  • Prescription Drugs Retail – 30 day supply Retail Prescription Drugs*
    Medical Deductible does not apply, then:
    $10 generic
    $35 preferred brand
    $75 non-preferred brand
    $150 speciality

    *Note: Mail-order (90 day supply) is twice the Retail amount for generic, preferred brand, and non-preferred brand. Specialty drugs are 30 day supply only.
  • Spending Accounts Employer Contribution – Annual, Allocated Quarterly No Spending Account
  • Spending Accounts: Employee Contributions Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Maximum Annual Contribution: $3,050
  • Your Monthly Premium Contribution Monthly Payroll Deductions:
    EE only: $105.99
    EE + Spouse: $211.98
    EE + Child(ren): $196.08
    EE + Family: $302.07

Dental PPO Plan (Guardian)

Dental – Member Pays (unless noted otherwise):
In-Network Benefits
Deductible – accumulates based on calendar year
$50 single
$150 family
Annual Maximum – Plan Pays accumulates based on calendar year
$1,500 Plan Limit
Preventive & Diagnostic Care
100% Covered by Plan
Deductible does not apply
Basic Restorative Care
20% after deductible
Major Restorative Care
50% after deductible
Orthodontia (Adult & Child)
50% after deductible
Lifetime Orthodontia Maximum – Plan Pays
$1,500 Plan Limit
Your Monthly Premium Contribution
Join the enrollment informational session to learn about dental benefit enhancements!

This summary of benefits is a brief outline of coverage, designed to help you with the selection process.
For more details, important limitations and exclusions, please review the formal plan documents.

Dental PPO Plan (Guardian)

  • Dental – Member Pays (unless noted otherwise): In-Network Benefits
  • Deductible – accumulates based on calendar year $50 single
    $150 family
  • Annual Maximum – Plan Pays accumulates based on calendar year $1,500 Plan Limit
  • Preventive & Diagnostic Care 100% Covered by Plan
    Deductible does not apply
  • Basic Restorative Care 20% after deductible
  • Major Restorative Care 50% after deductible
  • Orthodontia (Adult & Child) 50% after deductible
  • Lifetime Orthodontia Maximum – Plan Pays $1,500 Plan Limit
  • Your Monthly Premium Contribution $0
  • Notes Join the enrollment informational session to learn about dental benefit enhancements!

    This summary of benefits is a brief outline of coverage, designed to help you with the selection process.
    For more details, important limitations and exclusions, please review the formal plan documents.

Voluntary Vision Plan

Vision Member Pays (unless noted otherwise):
In-Network Benefits
Exam Copay: (one exam per frequency period)
$10 Copay
Materials Copay
$20 Copay
Eyeglass Lenses Allowances: (one pair per frequency period)
100% Covered by Plan after Copay
Contact Lenses Allowances: (one pair or single purchase per frequency period)
Elective: Up to $130 Covered by Plan
Therapeutic: 100% Covered by Plan
Frame Retail Allowance (once per frequency period)
Up to $130 Covered by Plan
Frequency Period – Based on calendar year
12 Months (Exam)
12 Months (Lenses)
24 Months (Frames)
May not receive contact lenses and frames in the same calendar year
Your Monthly Premium Contribution
Monthly Payroll Deductions:

EE only: $5.00
EE + Spouse: $9.99
EE + Child(ren): $10.09
EE + Family: $16.11
This summary of benefits is a brief outline of coverage, designed to help you with the selection process.
For more details, important limitations and exclusions, please review the formal plan documents.

Voluntary Vision Plan

  • Vision Member Pays (unless noted otherwise): In-Network Benefits
  • Exam Copay: (one exam per frequency period) $10 Copay
  • Materials Copay $20 Copay
  • Eyeglass Lenses Allowances: (one pair per frequency period) 100% Covered by Plan after Copay
  • Contact Lenses Allowances: (one pair or single purchase per frequency period) Elective: Up to $130 Covered by Plan
    Therapeutic: 100% Covered by Plan
  • Frame Retail Allowance (once per frequency period) Up to $130 Covered by Plan
  • Frequency Period – Based on calendar year 12 Months (Exam)
    12 Months (Lenses)
    24 Months (Frames)
    May not receive contact lenses and frames in the same calendar year
  • Your Monthly Premium Contribution Monthly Payroll Deductions:

    EE only: $5.00
    EE + Spouse: $9.99
    EE + Child(ren): $10.09
    EE + Family: $16.11
  • Note This summary of benefits is a brief outline of coverage, designed to help you with the selection process.
    For more details, important limitations and exclusions, please review the formal plan documents.
League desktop screen

Also included in your benefits:

Too much lingo? We want to make it easier for you.

woman holding phone

Retirement Plan

Contributing to a pre-taxed 401(k) account is one of the best ways to set yourself up for retirement success! League’s 401(k) plan is administered through Human Interest. 

League offers a matching program of $0.50 to the $1.00 of your contributions up to a maximum of 3%, capped at $4,000 each year. To receive the full contribution, you must contribute at least 6%.

Upon joining League, you will be sent an email with enrollment instructions from Human Interest. You can update your contributions at any time through Human Interest. You’re able to contribute pre-tax dollars through your 401(k) and/or post-tax dollars through your Roth. 

The IRS contribution limit for 2023 is $22,500. If you turn 50 or older during the calendar year, you can contribute a catch-up contribution of $7,500.

Contribution Details:

If you contribute:
Then you will receive a company match of:
6% and up
3% (capped at $4,000)

Contribution Details:

  • If you contribute: Then you will receive a company match of:
  • 0% 0%
  • 1% .5%
  • 2% 1%
  • 3% 1.5%
  • 4% 2%
  • 5% 2.5%
  • 6% and up 3% (capped at $4,000)
Lifestyle Spending Account (LSA)

This account is here to help you live your best life!

The Lifestyle Spending Account (LSA) is a spending account for Leaguers to use on wellness benefits such as fitness classes, gym membership, and related services. This account is here to help you live your best life! Leaguers receive $1,720 in their LSA every year. 

Allocations will be done on a Quarterly basis (prorated based on the quarter of a Leaguers hire date) to align with our cross border experience for our Canadian Leaguers.
Any unused funds allocated in a calendar year will roll-over to the following plan year for continuing active employees. 

Work From Home Top-Up for New Leaguers

Work your way.

We don’t define our culture and talent by geographic locations. We believe in empowering Leaguers to work their way—at home, in the office, outside or at a cafe—anywhere that works for them.

That’s why all new Leaguers will receive a $200 Work From Home top-up to help with setting up your home office (eg. buying a new desk, a monitor, a plant for your office etc.).


League Explore.

LeagueExplore gives eligible Leaguers the ability to work outside of their permanent work location for a finite period of time. Leaguers can work across the globe to expand their horizons, live their best #leaguelife and have the flexibility and freedom to choose where they might wish to embark on an adventure to gain new insights and experiences. LeagueExplore enables Leaguers to work in the way that works best for them and enhances well-being. Leaguers can review our internal policy for more information or connect with their HR business partner on how to apply.


Supporting your professional development.

Leaguers receive $1,000 annually toward learning and development initiatives that meet the following criteria:

  • are related directly to your job/role/profession OR 

  • are related to learnings in the technology industry OR

  • are related to learnings in the healthcare industry



We’ve got you covered! Here are the answers to some of our most commonly asked questions:

Do I need to make a selection?

If you are happy with your existing plan, there is no need to go through the Open Enrollment experience. If you’d like to make a change to your plan or select the newly available plan options, you will have the opportunity to do so!

For more information on our US Benefit Enrollment training sessions, check out your #LeagueLife calendar.

When will my HSA and HRA funds be allocated if I select the Flexible HSA or the Balanced HRA plan?

Allocations will be done on a Quarterly basis (prorated based on the quarter of a Leaguers hire date) to align with our cross border experience for our Canadian Leaguers.

What is the triple-tax advantage of the Health Savings Account (HSA)?

If you choose to enroll in the Flexible HSA Medical Plan, you will be qualified for the Health Savings Account (HSA) through Optum Bank. HSAs are a convenient way to save for medical expenses and reduce your taxable income, and League contributes toward your HSA! (see FAQ above for spending account allocation details)


Each year, you can contribute as little or as much as you need to (within the annual limits) and can set up automatic pre-tax contributions directly from your payroll. You will access your HSA just like a normal bank account with a debit card. Your balance rolls over from year to year and follows you since you own the account, so you never need to worry about losing your savings. 

Read more about how to make the most of your HSA in this blog from League.


What is the triple tax advantage? The HSA option saves you money in the form of no premium payroll deductions, added employer contributions, and the tax break you can get on qualified health expenses through your HSA. There are three tax advantages that make the HSA attractive:

1.HSA contributions are pre-tax
2.You don’t pay taxes on the account’s growth
3.If you make withdrawals for eligible expenses, you don’t pay tax on those withdrawals


Because HSA contributions don’t count toward your tax burden, you will be taxed as though you make less money. When you contribute toward your HSA, it decreases your adjusted gross income which determines your taxable income.

What is a Lifestyle Spending Account (LSA)?

Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSA) covers services and products you can access to live a healthier life, such as gym memberships, yoga and meditation, etc. Money spent from this account is a taxable benefit. You’ll only get taxed on the funds you actually use. League is the administrator of your LSA (instead of an insurance carrier) meaning that all claims are submitted directly through your League app.


Allocations will be done on a Quarterly basis (prorated based on the quarter of a Leaguers hire date) to align with our cross border experience for our Canadian Leaguers.

Where do I go to find the compliance policies for the new plan design?

  • Exchange Notice
  • Health Care Reform and ERISA / NGF Standard Notice Packet
  • Creditable Coverage Disclosure Notice 


You will be able to find these compliance notices and others in BambooHR under the Files tab > US Compliance Notices folder.

How much do I pay for these plans and how much is covered by my company?

League covers the full cost of your medical premiums if you select the Flexible HSA Plan or the Balanced HRA Plan. League also covers the full cost of your dental, disability and basic life/AD&D insurance premiums.


The Enhanced PPO Plan will have a portion of the cost that is paid for by a Leaguer that varies based on your coverage tier selected. If you would also like to select vision or supplemental life insurance, these options will reflect premium cost that is paid for by Leaguers.

Am I going to receive any documents by mail or is everything electronic?

You may receive new benefits cards from your carrier when they process your enrollment choices, but all of the information that you need will be available on your digital benefits card within League! Head to the Digital Wallet anywhere, anytime and if you still have questions, the Customer Care team knows all about your benefits. Send them a chat and you’ll hear back in less than 10 seconds.

Why is my salary showing is $1 or $1,000 in the enrollment experience on the Life and/or AD&D pages?

You will not be able to see your true salary through the experience (as we keep that information highly confidential!).

When can I change my plan elections outside of this enrollment time period?

The only time you can change your health insurance coverage is when you experience a Qualifying Life Event like getting married or adding a mini-me to your family!

What is the default plan if I don’t make selections?

If you choose not to make a selection, you will maintain your current coverage elections and all new plan options will be waived. If you are a new hire and you choose not to make a selection, all plans are waived, except for the company paid benefits such as basic life, AD&D, and disability, there is no default plan.

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