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How to Add Healthier Foods into Your Daily Meals

It's easy to fall off track with your diet and nutrition, especially in times of stress and disruption. Even small positive changes can make a big difference. Here's how to bring back some of your previous nutritional habits and goals into your daily life.

person cooking healthy food at the stove in their kitchen.

It’s probably no surprise, but your surroundings, routine, and environment play an important role in your dietary habits. As we’re spending more time at home, we may notice that our eating habits are changing. This is a great opportunity to reflect on personal eating habits and whether or not they’re supporting our goals. 

Some of us are cooking more and some of us are ordering in more. You may have more access to snacks (or less, if you were a frequent visitor of the office snack stash) and your comfort in the kitchen could either encourage stress-eating or help you focus on healthier cooking. 

Remember that your diet and nutrition have an impact on all aspects of your life and are the foundation of your holistic health. Your diet also has an impact on your mental health. Studies have shown that adding fruits and vegetables to your diet can boost your mood and improve your emotional well-being. What you eat can also have an impact on your training, if you’re working towards some physical fitness goals.


Why nutritional goals matter

Goal-setting is a great way to improve your nutrition (and just about every other aspect of your life in general). Start by framing your goal around what you want to achieve, rather than directly focusing on what you eat. 

A restrictive mindset with food goals brings on feelings of negativity and can be discouraging. Try to focus on a supportive goal instead, one that encourages broader actions to get you there. 

Here’s an example of a restrictive goal: Eat fewer sweets.

Here’s an example of a supportive goal: Eat one protein-rich snack each day.


Questions to ask yourself to set up meaningful nutrition goals
  1. What is an important change you would like to make for your physical health? For example, more energy, preventing chronic illness, improving physical endurance, running a marathon? 
  2. Why is this an important goal? How will it help you? 
  3. What steps do you need to take to achieve this goal? Break it down, so it’s easier to accomplish. If it’s a goal that includes physical activity and nutritional goals, set separate goals for each. 
  4. How will you measure success? Set a goal that’s measurable and attainable, so you don’t get discouraged. 

Another great way to boost nutrition is by eating a balanced diet that includes all different types of foods:

  • Start each meal by filling more than half your plate with fruits and veggies. Aim for colorful veggies and lots of variety.
  • Whole grains should take up around one-quarter of your plate (whole grains have less of an impact on your blood sugar and insulin compared to white rice, white bread, and white starches).
  • Protein, which your body uses to repair and build muscle and tissue, should fill the last quarter of your plate. 


Get with the (health) program

If you’re looking for nutritional resources, you’ve got plenty right in your League app. Earn rewards while you hit your nutrition goals with one of our Health Programs. Browse The Well and Marketplace for free downloadable recipe books, guides and snack hacks. We’re always here to help you on your health journey.

Remember that progress happens when you’re feeling motivated, energized and confident. Ditch the guilt and go with supportive goals instead. You got this!

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